Sunday, March 13, 2011

Something New(ish)

The other day, while sitting at the mall, I was trying to decide what to do with the watch faces that I have. I figured I would make more watches and maybe some necklaces. Then a thought hit me. Why not make purse charms and zippper pulls? So I did.

You can clip them onto most anything- purse, backpack, zipper, some name tags... pretty much anywhere you would like. I have made some of them with the face upside down to make it easier to read the watch. For instance, if you have it on a zipper or name tag and flip it up to check the time, it is much easier to read the watch if the numbers are all going the right way. If you have it clipped to a purse, it won't be so difficult to turn the watch to face you.
I am hoping to get these up on etsy soon, or on my website. Please let me know what you think of them.