It seemed to take forever, but finally Rammstein was up.
The stadium became dark. Suddenly someone punched/kicked their way through the "wall" on stage. The two guitarists emerged through the wall. Moments later someone else bashed their way through. It was Till, the singer. Then it began. The power, the drive, the energy... and don't forget the fire. A lot of fire!
What a great concert. They played a lot from their newest album Liebe ist fur alle da. They also played some of their biggest hits including Du Hast, Sonne, Engel, and Ich Will (my favorite - or at least one of them).

Flake crowd surfing.
After looking at a lot of the videos people took at the concert, I am even more happy with our seats. We had a great view of the stage - all of it. And even though we were at the back, or close to it, we were still fairly close.
Some videos that were obviously taken right by the stage made me realize how good our seats were. In the video there were speakers and other things in the way of the stage. In one particular video all you could see was the front of the stage, you couldn't even see the three band members in the back. We could see everything, and I am quite happy with how everything turned out.