I don't have one of the prettiest places to work, but it definitely serves its purpose. I work in the back of my husband's business, which was formerly a welding shop. They have fixed up the front, but the back leaves a little to be desired. Thankfully I am too busy looking at the beads I am making to really look around and worry about what it looks like.
Here is a picture of my torch. I use a midrange with a premix on top. I have never actually used the premix part. The torch runs on oxygen and propane. We have a medium size tank of oxygen and use a regular bbq propane cylinder.
Here is a picture of some of the tools I use. This is an assortment of tweezers, picks, and flat edges. These things are used to push, pull, poke and rake the glass in different ways.

Here is a picture of my work space (my husband had recently cleaned it)

The other night I made some "flame" beads where I used tweezers, mashers and picks.

This one is my favorite tool.

I use this a lot when I am encasing beads. I use it to push the glass around the edge.

I use this a lot when I am encasing beads. I use it to push the glass around the edge.
This one (poker) is used to make a hole in the centre of flowers (among other things). The hole is then covered with a dot of glass trapping air inside which creates a bubble.

Graphite marvers are used to roll, flatten and manipulate glass. I mostly use them for barrels. The large one I also use for applying frit to beads.
The grooved marver puts grooves in beads.

Graphite marvers are used to roll, flatten and manipulate glass. I mostly use them for barrels. The large one I also use for applying frit to beads.

And lastly, the one "tool" that I couldn't do without - my mandrels. I have three sizes plus three ring mandrels (sizes 7 & 9). These mandrels (which are steel welding rods) are all dipped in bead release ( a clay substance which allows the bead to come off once it is done). They are ready and waiting for me to make beads on.

I guess my kiln would also be a tool, also one of the important ones. It has a digital controller so the beads are always annealed properly. I heat it up to 960 degrees F. The mandrel ends that stick out of the door are almost too hot to touch when it is on.

These are the main things I use to create beads (besides glass obviously). I am always looking for other things to use as well. Once I used a nail. Nuts and acorn caps I have used for drawer pulls. But that is another tangent altogether.