My favorites are:
- Hand out candy canes on your way to work. (This wouldn't be a great idea due to where I work, but I think it would be fun.)
- Tie a Christmas card to a balloon and let it go. (It is way too cold here to do this but I've always thought it would be awesome to find a card, note, or something that someone attached to a balloon and let go for anyone to find. We actually did this at camp one year. We put our name and adress. No one found mine. Or at least no one responded.)
- Forgive someone, especially if it's hard (This one is important.)
- Watch a favorite holiday movie (We watched National Lampoons Christmas Vacation the other day. It does get you immersed in the season. And it's funny!)
- Buy your pet a holiday sweater or reindeer antlers! (My kids would love to do this. I don't really approve of apparel for our pets. They are all indoor pets with exception of the dog, but I still don't think she needs to wear sweaters. If she were a small dog, I would likely change my mind. The antlers would be cute on her though. Hee, hee.)

- Put fake snow on the windows ( This used to be something we did every year when I was a kid. My brother even made a nativity scene out of fake snow. I will have to see if I can find the picture. We don't need fake snow for our windows now. We have enough leaky windows, they frost up naturally!)
- Smile more often! It will make everyone around you smile in return. (I like this because it really does work. Well not everyone smiles, but what can you do? It is Christmas!)
She doesn't look too impressed!
I hope you all have a great holiday season and you can find even more ways to bring joy to the season and everyone around you.